Topoi conference 2018: PROGRAM NOW AVAILABLE
Topoi Conference 2018
Foundational Issues in Philosophical Semantics
31 May – 1 June
Sala Lauree Psicologia
Palazzo Badini (ground floor)
via Verdi 10, Torino
Topoi is an international journal of philosophy based in Rome, Italy ( Every other year, Topoi funds a conference in a different city, that purports to focus on foundational issues in some subfield of analytic philosophy. Previous Topoi conferences were Rome 2012 (Intentions: Philosophical and Empirical Issues); Oxford 2014 (The Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics); Munich 2016 (New Trends in Rational Choice Theory). Following the conference, contributions are then selected for publication on Topoi.
In 2018, the Topoi conference will be held at the Center for Logic, Language, and Cognition (LLC) in Turin and will focus on foundational issues in philosophical semantics. The event will take place for 2 days on 31 May - 1 June. It will involve 6 keynote speakers (listed below) as well as several other speakers selected through a call for abstracts.
9:00 | introduction: Fabio PAGLIERI (ISTC – CNR, Editor in chief of TOPOI)
9:15 | chair: Carola BARBERO (University of Turin)
KEYNOTE: Elisabeth CAMP (Rutgers University)
Whence, and wherefore, semantics?
10:15 | Claudia BIANCHI (San Raffaele University, Milan) and Bianca CEPOLLARO (IFILNOVA, Lisbon)
Slurs and conventional non-truth-conditional meaning: A challenge from reclamation
10:55 | coffee break
11:25 | Ricardo MENA (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
The bridge principle and stigmatized truth values
12:05 | Kevin RICHARDSON (North Carolina State University)
The philosophical significance of empirical semantics
12:45 | lunch break
14:30 | chair: Andrea IACONA (University of Turin)
KEYNOTE: Frank VELTMAN (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)
Generics and generality
15:30 | Robert VAN ROOIJ and Katrin SCHOLZ (Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, Amsterdam)
A causal power semantics of generic sentences
16:10 | coffee break
16:40 | Simon GOLDSTEIN (Lingnan University)
Entailment in dynamic semantics
17:20 | chair: Vincenzo CRUPI (University of Turin)
KEYNOTE: Hannes LEITGEB (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich & MCMP)
From communicative belief revision to pragmatic meaning
18:20 | posters and refreshments
9:00 | chair: Jan SPRENGER (University of Turin)
KEYNOTE: Paul PIETROSKI (Rutgers University)
Fostering liars
10:00 | Nissim FRANCEZ (Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa)
Proof-theoretic semantics for natural language
10:40 | coffee break
11:10 | Cosmo GRANT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Mistakes about meaning in signaling games
11:50 | Martin ABREU ZAVALETA (New York University)
Communication and variance
12:30 | lunch break
14:15 | chair: Alberto VOLTOLINI (University of Turin)
KEYNOTE: Francois RECANATI (Paris Institut Jean-Nicod)
Coreference de jure
15:15 | Sarah FISHER (University of Reading)
Truth evaluability in context
15:55 | coffee break
16:25 | Alison HALL (De Montfort University, UK)
Pragmatic enrichment and the underdeterminacy of word meaning
17:05 | chair: Carlotta PAVESE (Duke University / University of Turin)
KEYNOTE: Emma BORG (University of Reading)
How do you solve a problem like implicatures?
18:15 | conclusion
Scientific Committee
Luvell ANDERSON (University of Memphis)
Robert BEDDOR (National University of Singapore)
Stefano CAPUTO (University of Sassari)
Vincenzo CRUPI (University of Turin)
Andrea IACONA (University of Turin)
Karen LEWIS (Columbia University)
Diego MARCONI (University of Turin)
Carlotta PAVESE (Duke University / University of Turin)
William STARR (Cornell University)
Alberto VOLTOLINI (University of Turin)
For additional information, email