LLC Workshop: Evidence and Scientific Method
LLC Workshop
Evidence and Scientific Method
Friday 2 December 2022
09:30 - 12:45 Biblioteca di Filosofia (Sala 1)
9:30 Jacob Stegenga (Cambridge University): "Simulating medicine: testing speculations about medical science and clinical practice" (joint work with Hamed Tabatabaei Ghomi)
10:30 Coffee Break
10:45 Caterina Marchionni (University of Helsinki): "Evidential variety and mixed-method research" (joint work with Jaakko Kuorikoski)
11:45 Gustavo Cevolani (IMT Lucca): "Reverse Inference in Cognitive Neuroscience and Inference to the Best Explanation" (joint work with Davide Coraci and Igor Douven)
12:45 Lunch Break
The workshop will be followed by the doctoral thesis defense of Malvina Ongaro (Università del Piemonte Orientale) and Cristina Sagrafena (Università di Torino). The event will take place in Aula 4.03 (Via Sant’Ottavio 54), starting from 14:45:
14:45 Cristina Sagrafena (University of Turin): "Epistemic Values and Scientific Theories" (PhD Thesis Defense)
16:00 Coffee Break
16:15 Malvina Ongaro (University of Eastern Piedmont): "Uncertainty for Uncertain Decision-Makers"? (PhD Thesis Defense)
17:30 End of workshop
18:00 Aperitivi at bar "Klec", including official proclamation of the PhD grades