FICTION and IMAGINATION Conference in June 2019
Fifth Graduate Conference in Mind, Language, and Science of the FINO PhD Program / Midterm Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA)
Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences
University of Turin
17-18 June 2019, Turin (Italy)
Keynote speakers
Gregory CURRIE (University of York)
Fred KROON (University of Auckland)
Mauricio SUAREZ (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Deena WEISBERG (Villanova University)
In recent times, a huge debate has arisen as to the role of imagination, especially in its relation with fiction, in shaping modal, philosophical, and scientific reasoning. Counterfactual discourse involves the consideration of unreal scenarios, whether possible or even impossible. Both philosophy and science make reference to thought experiments, which seems to be like short fictional stories. And scientific models may be compared with games of make-believe, insofar as the latter mobilize physical objects as props for imaginary characters.
In this conference, we want to primarily address the following topics:
- Does fiction mobilize some specific form of imagination?
- Is there a real divide between fictional and nonfictional works?
- In what sense does imagination support counterfactual reasoning?
- Is practical reasoning counterfactual reasoning?
- Are thought experiments a form of fictional narration?
- Are scientific models really related to pretence play?
What kind of papers?
We invite papers related to the conference themes from PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Papers should be suitable for 45 minutes presentation, followed by a 15 minutes of general discussion.
We will prioritize papers of high quality and with innovative elements. Submissions from underrepresented groups in philosophy are especially encouraged.
How do I submit?
Please submit an abstract (max. 1000 words, bibliography excluded) by attaching it to a message to the conference organizers Carola Barbero, Andrea Iacona, Alberto Voltolini
The conference language is English; contributions in other languages will not be considered.
Abstract should be prepared for double-blind review and not contain any identifying information. In case of multiple authors, please indicate in the submission system who is going to present the paper. No conference participant can present more than one paper.
Dates and Deadlines
20 March 2019: Submission Deadline
15 April 2019: Notification of Acceptance
1 June 2019: Registration Deadline
17-18 June 2019: Workshop
Graduate students and early career researchers with precarious appointment may qualify for accommodation at a student residence of the University of Turin. This is subject to availability, though. Choices will be made on the basis of need and priority will be given to participants who present a paper. Please send your request before 1 April 2019 by contacting the organizers.