Talk by Felipe ROMERO and Poster Day 2019

20 September 2019


The 2019 Poster Day of the Center for Logic, Language, and Cognition will be held on Friday, 20 September 2019, h 17-19 (Palazzo del Rettorato, via Verdi 8, Torino, Loggione del Primo Piano). HERE is a list of the contributions presented.


Earlier on in the afternoon (h 15, Sala Principi d'Acaja, same building), the following talk is scheduled.



Felipe ROMERO (University of Groningen)


Social epistemology and the replicability crisis


Replicability is widely taken to ground the epistemic authority of science. However, in recent years, important published findings in the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences have failed to replicate, suggesting that these fields are facing a "replicability crisis". For philosophers, the crisis should not be taken as bad news but as an opportunity to do work on several fronts, including conceptual analysis, history and philosophy of science, research ethics, and social epistemology. This talk shows how recent work on social epistemology can inform debates about replicability, focusing specifically on the reward system of science and the division of cognitive labor.